The Domain Hotel and Spa, Diplomatic Area
Steakhouse Fine Dining • $$
BLDG 365 Road Number 1705
Italian Fine Dining • $$
Mexican Lounge • $$
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Diplomatic Area
Indian Fine Dining • $$
110 Government Avenue
Middle Eastern Lounge • $$
2 restaurants, 1 expérience
3 restaurants
8 restaurants
1 restaurant
1 restaurant, 4 expériences
32 restaurants
Spices Restaurant
Hebdomadaire les dimanches, mardis, mercredis, jeudis, vendredis, et samedis, 12:00pm - 3:00pm
What better way than this to close that business deal!
Enjoy our authentic Indian lunch platter, made up of a variety of delicious dishes which are served on a copper bowl.
Price: BD 7 Net Location: Spices Restaurant, Crowne Plaza Bahrain Date: Tuesday to Sunday | Close on Monday Times: 12pm till 3pm